CFK Africa James E. Rogers Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of the late Jim Rogers, the James E. Rogers Scholarship Fund supports promising young students throughout all four years of high school, providing sustainable funding that allows students living in challenging environments to focus on their coursework and access leadership training, mentorship, and career guidance through CFK Africa. After the first cohort graduates, the scholarships will roll over to new students, continuing the cycle in perpetuity.

A sustainability champion and former CEO and Chairman of Duke Energy, Jim was committed to improving lives around the world and often asserted that access to electricity should be a basic human right. The James E. Rogers Scholarship Fund is equipping new generations of young leaders in Kenya with the skills and opportunities needed to transform lives within their communities.

Pictured: From left to right, Jim Rogers, CFK Africa co-founder Rye Barcott, MA Rogers, and Joy Barnice Henry, daughter of the late CFK Africa co-founder, Tabitha Festo.

Meet our current Scholars

Melvins Akinyi

Form: 3
School: St Mary’s Lwak Girls’ High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Mitchelle Akinyi Omondi

Form: 3
School: Precious Blood, Riruta
School Location: Nairobi

Margaret Wangechi Wambugu

Form: 3
School: Kathiani Girls’ High School
School Location: Machakos

Diana Ndukwe Akondo

Form: 3
School: Our Lady Of Mercy-Nairobi
School Location: Nairobi

Nyagaka Ruth Moraa

Form: 3
School: St. Anne’s Girls-Nairobi
School Location: Nairobi

Naima Kasim Awuor

Form: 3
School: St George’s Girls’ School
School Location: Nairobi

Wendy Atieno Onyango

Form: 3
School: Asumbi Girls’ High School
School Location: Homabay

Marion Shumira Wekesa

Form: 3
School: Lugulu Girls’ High School
School Location: Webuye

Sheril Atieno

Form: 3
School: Nyakach Girls High School
School Location: Sondu

Faisan Ahenda

Form: 3
School: St Mary’s School, Yala
School Location: Yala

Vincent Nyagak Nyamoko

Form: 3 
School: Baringo High School
School Location: Ravine

Felix Machuka Nyabuto

Form: 3
School: Maranda High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Fidel Omondi Onyango

Form: 3
School: Nyambaria High School
School Location: Nyamira

Nelson Mutie

Form: 3
School: Ofafa Jericho High School
School Location: Nairobi

Isack Onyango Owino

Form: 3 
School: Ofafa Jericho High School
School Location: Nairobi

Malcoms Oneko Omondi

Form: 3 
School: Maranda High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Morris Cerrullo Okelloh

Form: 3 
School: Orero Boys Sec School
School Location: Homabay

Reuben Mogere

Form: 3 
School: Kenyatta High School
School Location: Nyeri

Davis Mogaka Nyabuto

Form: 3
School: Riokindo Boys’ High School
School Location: Kisii

Wambui Stephen Wanyoike

Form: 3 
School: Ofafa Jericho High School
School Location: Nairobi

Otieno Victor Omondi

Form: 3 
School: Ofafa Jericho High School
School Location: Nairobi

Osuma Geofrey Wasuna

Form: 3 
School: Kalulini Boys’ High School
School Location: Kibwezi

Hezborn Chieng Abonyo

Form: 3 
School: Nyakoko Secondary School
School Location: Homabay

Mark Muchui

Form: 1 
School: Butula Boys High School 
School Location: Busia

Ashley Akoth Odhiambo

Form: 1 
School: Kisumu Girls High School
School Location: Kisumu

Samuel Junior Esther

Form: 1 
School: Ikuu Boys High School 
School Location: Chuka

Valary Cheptoo Moses

Form: 1 
School: Huruma Girls High School 
School Location: Nairobi

Simon Ongera Ouko

Form: 1 
School: Kisii School 
School Location: Kisii

Stephanie Mukai Musyoka

Form: 1 
School: Muthale Girls High School 
School Location: Kitui

Lemrence Adhiambo Onyango

Form: 1 
School: Ng’iya Girls National School  
School Location: Siaya

Conchepy Akinyi Odhiambo

Form: 1 
School: Nembu Girls High School
School Location: Nairobi

Teresa Nyabate Okindo

Form: 1
School: Sironga Girls’ High School
School Location: Nyamira

Hivian Kwamboka Ocharo

Form: 1
School: Mwongori High School
School Location: Kisii

Kalengesa Joyce Mudola

Form: 3
School: Bunyore Girls’ High School
School Location: Luanda

Veronicah Asoko Paul

Form: 2
School: Githunguri Girls’ High School
School Location: Thika

Lydia Achieng Okumu

Form: 3
School: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Ahero
School Location: Kisumu

Cleare Muoti Munyao

Form: 3
School: Loreto High School
School Location: Kiambu

Peter Njoroge Mburu

Form: 3
School: Weithaga Boys’ High School
School Location: Kiambu

Nyachae Nyasim Shadrack

Form: 3
School: Baringo High School
School Location: Ravine

Cleare Muoti Munyao

Form: 3
School: Loreto High School
School Location: Kiambu

Waithera Jorum Irungu

Form: 3
School: Baringo High School
School Location: Ravine

Obukanga Quincy Marie Ayuma

Form: 3
School: Karima Girls’ High School
School Location: Karima

Mokaya Velma Kwamboka

Form: 3
School: Nyabururu High School
School Location: Kisii

Alex Ochieng Odundo

Form: 3
School: Oloolaiser High School
School Location: Kajiado

Kennedy Omondi Wambete

Form: 3
School: Kakamega School
School Location: Kakamega

Stephen Ndirangu Wambui

Form: 3
School: Nyandarua High School
School Location: O’l Kalau

Stephen Odhiambo Aunda

Form: 3
School: Githiga High School
School Location: Kiambu

Mercy Njeri Muma

Form: 3
School: Nyakiambi Girls’ Secondary School
School Location: Nyahururu

Mbaisi Ashley Kahenda

Form: 3
School: Kathiani Girls’ High School
School Location: Machakos

Bahati Hannah Mitchel

Form: 3
School: Moi Girls’ Nangili High School
School Location: Nangili

Rael Ivery Amollo Sein

Form: 2
School: Enoomatasiani Girls Secondary School
School Location: Kiserian

Nderi Beth Bellody Wangendo

Form: 2
School: Enoomatasiani Girls Secondary School
School Location: Kiserian

Mweu Grace Nzisa

Form: 3
School: Vyulya Girls High School
School Location: Machakos

Joshua Sabina

Form: 3
School: Tala Girls’ High School
School Location: Machakos

Omulo Joseph

Form: 3
School: Maseno School
School Location: Maseno

Kyalo Kelvin Mulatya

Form: 3
School: Kerugoya Boys High School
School Location: Kerugoya

Mboi Moses Furaha

Form: 3
School: Kayumo High School
School Location: Nyeri

Kitsao Kasunye Jonathan

Form: 3
School: Maranda High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Charo Jumaa Adam

Form: 3
School: Nakuru High School
School Location: Nakuru

M'mene Sharia Lesilale

Form: 3
School: Kwale High School
School Location: Ukunda

Kombe David Randu

Form: 3
School: Ikuu Boys’ High School
School Location: Chuka

Lewis Kaume Baraka

Form: 3
School: Nyong’onga Secondary School
School Location: Mtwapa

Kahindi Tabitha Neema

Form: 3
School: Sironga Girls’ High School
School Location: Nyamira

Nguma Naomi Samuel

Form: 3
School: Ndaragwa Girls’ High School
School Location: Nyahururu

Mohamed Sophia Salim

Form: 3
School: St Mary’s Girls High School – Igoji
School Location: Nkubu

Wanyonyi Nafuna Peace

Form: 3
School: Lugulu Girls’ High School
School Location: Webuye

Mbaita Moureen Maku

Form: 3
School: Kombeni Girls’ Secondary School
School Location: Mombasa

Mitau David Vundi

Form: 3
School: Murang’a High School
School Location: Murang’a

Kahindi Denis Baraka

Form: 3
School: Murang’a High School
School Location: Murang’a

Ouma Davhill Omondi

Form: 3
School: Mbita High School
School Location: Homabay

Kebeya Moses Chabaga

Form: 3
School: Kenyatta High School
School Location: Mwatate

Chembea Hassan Hamad

Form: 3
School: Kwale High School
School Location: Ukunda

Omukunyu Blessing Marisia

Form: 3
School: Dr Aggrey High School
School Location: Wundanyi

Ongweko Kevin Baraza

Form: 3
School: Butula Boys’ High School
School Location: Butula

Kenga Idd Dadu

Form: 3
School: Dr Krapf Memorial Secondary
School Location: Rabai

Wachira Phina Njeri

Form: 3
School: Waa Girls’s Secondary School
School Location: Ukunda

Akinyi Flavian Ajiambo

Form: 3
School: St Joseph’s Girls High School
School Location: Kitale

Oyange Virginia Asta

Form: 2
School: Murray Girls’ High School
School Location: Wundanyi

Otieno Loreen Anyango

Form: 3
School: St Mary’s Lwak Girls’ High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Okeyo Anita Diana

Form: 3
School: Sironga Girls’ High School
School Location: Nyamira

Otieno Benter Achieng

Form: 3
School: Kipsigis Girls’ High School
School Location: Kericho

Otieno Sarah Adhiambo

Form: 3
School: Kisumu Girls High School
School Location: Kisumu

Ogweno Kate Atieno

Form: 3
School: Moi Girls’ Isinya
School Location: Kajiado

Wallcott Munanga

Form: 3
School: Maranda High School
School Location: Bondo, Siaya

Omondi Michael Daniel

Form: 2
School: Maseno School
School Location: Maseno

Ayot Stephene Ochieng

Form: 3
School: Sawagongo High School
School Location: Kisumu

Okeyo Griffin Onyango

Form: 3
School: Mbita High School
School Location: Homabay

Ogolo Roydemas Otieno

Form: 3
School: Kabianga High School
School Location: Kericho

Our Current 92 scholars are from

informal settlements

located in 8 counties across Kenya.

test results confirm that

% of graduates

are qualified to pursue further education.

These scholars join a network of

scholarship Alumni

who are excelling in their careers, internships and further education.

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Support the next generation
of youth leaders in Kenya.

Your gift to the Jim Rogers Scholarship Fund provides sustainable funding for students living in some of the world’s most challenging environments. Join us in supporting promising young students grow into the next generation of Kenyan leaders by making a gift to this endowment, managed by UNC.