The Tabitha Medical Center now offers Astrazeneca, Moderna and Pfizer. Eddah Adhiambo Ogogo, as program manager of the organization CFK Africa responsible for the clinic, sees one challenge above all: “The problem we have right now is myth and misconception. We try to eradicate these through health education. We give people the opportunity to ask questions and then actually get vaccinated.”
And there is a lot of convincing to do, because the vaccination rate in Kenya is still just under four percent. In order for this to change significantly in the foreseeable future, Kenya not only needs more people willing to vaccinate, but also more vaccine deliveries that can be planned.
Eddah Adhiambo Ogogo, Tabitha Medical Clinic CFK Africa: “Most people were afraid of isolation and of going to clinics. Of course, they only came when the disease had taken a different course. So when they came to the facility, they were already seriously ill.”