“Kenya’s healthcare system is grappling with a crisis threatening the lives of its most vulnerable citizens, yet their stories have been hidden in the shadows.
The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union, representing over 7,000 members, went on strike on March 15 raising their voices and airing their grievances. Their demands are just, but the consequences are dire. The strike has paralyzed access to affordable healthcare, particularly for low-resource communities and those living in informal settlements.
The effects are palpable within our walls at Tabitha Medical Clinic.
As a leading NGO and healthcare provider in Kibera, Kenya’s largest informal settlement, CFK Africa is at the frontlines of this crisis. Our facilities are working to bridge the gap in service provision, but they are straining under the weight of an increased patient load.”
Read the full op-ed by CFK Africa’s Executive Director, Jeffrey Okoro, on LinkedIn.