CFK Africa ECD Field Officer, Mable Madahana Oside, and Communications Consultant, Thomas Bwire collaborated together on a report on CFK Africa trainings to equip teachers at Early Childhood Development and Education (EDCE) Centers in Kenya to work more effectively with children with disabilities. A three-day training in August 2023 for more than 36 teachers taught communication techniques, methods for caring for children with disabilities, and ways to improve parental engagement.
“CFK Africa already works with ECDE Centers in Kibera to integrate malnutrition screening and treatment, ensuring children reach physical and cognitive development milestones. Teachers at these ECDE centers also identified a need for training on education techniques for children with disabilities.
In August of 2023, the CFK Africa nutrition project conducted trainings to equip teachers in Kibera with effective classroom management techniques and behavior modification strategies tailored to the unique needs of children with disabilities.
The three-day training for more than 36 teachers was aimed at equipping them with the necessary skills on how to better support children with disabilities. Attendees learned communication techniques, methods for caring for children with disabilities, and ways to improve parental engagement. The sessions also provided space for teachers to voice their questions and concerns.”
Read the full report on ReliefWeb.